Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares by: Frank Murphy (Historical Fiction)

Ben Franklin was a famous inventor who loved to think of new things and test them out.  He invented flippers to help him swim, an almanac for useful information, the Franklin stove which burned less wood than a fireplace, and special rocking chairs to keep flies away.  He wrote a newspaper, The Pennsylvania Gazette, and found out that lightning produces electricity by tying a key to a kite.  Ben Franklin also founded many important places in our nation, including America’s first library, fire station and hospital.  He worked with Thomas Jefferson to help write the Declaration of Independence and also invented magic squares.  The magic squares he invented have a three by three grid and each of the lines of numbers, including diagonal lines, all add up to fifteen.

 I would use this book to help students decipher what is fictional and factual in the story.  Some of the events are embellished on and other events are true events that actually occurred.  I would ask students to create a time line of Ben Franklin's major accomplishments and use the dates that are given in the story.  I would have the students compare this book about Ben Franklin's life to other books that consist of events or accomplishments related to Ben Franklin and see what other information is provided.  I would have the students go online and research each event on their time line to write down a fact about each event that they did not know before doing research.  Through gaining practice navigating the web, the students will be able to learn how to find out additional information based around a particular person or subject matter.

AR Book Finder Book Level 3.6

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