Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. by: David A. Adler (Nonfiction- Biography)

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born during a time of segregation of the races and felt he was treated unfairly by the white community.  He longed for equality and studied black leaders while becoming a minister.  Dr. King fought for civil rights through peaceful protests and marches, but was met with anger and violence.  A man threw a bomb through his window to show his hatred and Martin wanted his followers to remain calm about the violent act.  He led a bus protest to end "White Only" sections on buses, gave very famous speeches, and won a Nobel Peace Prize through his actions.  Dr. King was killed fighting for freedom, but his dream lives on with the country.  His life and ideals changed the history of our nation.

I would read this book aloud to the class to introduce them to the ideas associated with the Civil Rights Movement.  I could use it during the time around Martin Luther King Day which occurs on his birthday or I could use it during Black History Month as I am going over different historical leaders.  I would ask them questions to gear their thinking towards understanding multiple perspectives and help them form opinions on what matters most to them.  I would ask the students to write "I have a dream..." at the top of their blank paper and to write and draw what their individual dream is.  I would encourage them to think of laws they find unfair or things in the world they would like to improve.  For example, students could write that they have a dream that people will not be bullies.  I would hang the drawings up in the classroom and use the book to start a discussion on the Civil Rights Movement.

AR Book Finder Book Level 3.8

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