Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rules by: Cynthia Lord (Realistic Fiction)

Catherine is a young girl who longs for a next door neighbor that she can become best friends with.  She has an autistic brother, David, and knows exactly how to best communicate with him.  She presents clear, direct rules that he knows he must follow.  A new girl moves in next door and Catherine desperately wants to be her best friend, but also feels slightly embarrassed about David.  She meets a boy in a wheelchair, Jason, and completely changes his life.  She draws pictures to enhance his language book and helps him to experience life in a new way.  Catherine realizes that accepting others for who they really are is more important than impressing others.

Wallwisher: David's Rules

I would use this book in the classroom by integrating technology and all and to put each rule on a sticky note on their wallwisher.  I would help students identify goals they can set for themselves and ask them to add those to their wallwisher.  The students will be able to respond to questions I can pose for them to answer at certain points in the book as they are reading.  The questions would be focused around comprehension and making connections with the text.  For example, I would ask students if they would tell Kristi that Jason is in a wheelchair when she asked about him or keep it to themselves and have them explain their responses.  I would also have a whole class discussion based around the ways in which Catherine helps David.  I would ask the students if they ever have to help take care of younger siblings and have them imagine how different it would be to help care for a sibling with autism.  I would help students recognize the way Catherine is initially nervous to become friends with Jason because he is different from her but eventually looks past his differences to find a really great friend.

AR Book Finder Book Level 3.9

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